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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

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Brooch - pendant heksagonal flower series
This brooch- pendant is made by order for a customer.
She likes the results.
At first she order a brooch according main shape of Hexagonal flower bracelet, and it's not that hard to make and finished. A simple brooch with a diy small  savety pin behind. I use a swarovsky cristal for the center of flower. Swarovsky crystal is already known with the shine and durability, that's why i choose it.

But than I think something else, to make this brooch multifunction. Yes, I really think about my customer's satisfaction. She will feel glad if she can use this brooch also as pendant for another options of using.
So, this is finished results of the order.

Chain is hand made infinity glass bead chains 45 cm (17.8 inches) long, with front hook design
So pretty, what do you think??
Interest to purchase order? Please contact me using automatic whatsapp link :


or my other options


WhatsApp : +62 896-6656-64116
Email : kekokcraft@gmail.com
Instagram: @kekok_craft

Klik here for English version

Bross-kalung seri bunga heksagonal
Berkreasi untuk pesanan.
Semoga suka...
Bros/kalung heksagonal.
Pesanan awalnya adalah sebuah bros bunga, yang bentuknya diambil dari bagian utama gelang bunga heksagonal dan sudah jadi.
Sebuah bros bunga heksagonal biasa sederhana dengan peniti di belakangnya. Bagian hiasan tengahnya saya pakai kristal svarowsky 8mm yang sudah terkenal akan kilau dan ketahanannya.
Tapi kok kemudian saya merasa kok cuma bross, jadi bandul kalung kan juga bisa, multi fungsi. Dan jadilah design ini.

Panjang rantai 45 cm, dengan hook di depan dan infinity glass bead chains handmade.
Cantik menurut saya.. gimana menurut anda??
Berminat memesan atau ingin belajar cara membuatnya?? Silahkan hubungi saya dengan cara klik link wa otomatis :
WhatsApp : +62 896-6656-64116
Email : kekokcraft@gmail.com
Instagram: @kekok_craft